
Wednesday, May 11, 2011



1. Nama ilmiah   : Bidens pilosa.,    Bidensleucanta Willd., Bidens sundaica BI.

2. Nama daerah : Abong-abong (Melayu); Ketul-ketul kebo, Ketul sapi (Jawa); Cingklacingan (Madura); Hareuga (sunda); Rai-raisu (Maluku).

3. Nama asing    : Jin zha yin pam (cina).


B. CONTENT AND CHEMICAL pharmacological effect 

          Ajeran has a slightly bitter taste and cold nature. Some of the chemicals contained in such ajeran phytosterin B.
         Pharmacological effects of which are owned ajeran anti-piretik (lowering heat), anti-inflammation, stop bleeding, blood circulation, and as astrigen. 


         Propagation is by seed ajeran. Ajeran treated with flushing water, soil moisture is maintained, nurtured with organic fertilizer, and planted in a place that is sun.

D. PLANT PART USED and properties 

         The roots, leaves and all parts can dimamfaatkan for treatment, either medication or treatment outside inside. 

1. Foreign drugs 

         Outside treatment performed to treat skin inflammation purulent (piodermi), snake bites, bruising from impact ataupukulan, haemorrhoids, and itching.
         How, mashed fresh herbs and paste on the affected part.Another way water mixed herbs to taste the result of collisions, cook until boiling, then use to wash the affected part.
         For exposed skin ulceration, heat ajeran leaf over the fire until softened, then paste on the affected part. 

2. Drugs in 

         Ajeran can be used as a medicine in particular for some diseases as follows. 

a. Fever, influenza, and sore throat
Boil the herb 15-120 g ajeran with 4 glass water to boiling remaining 1.5 glass, then made into 2 equal parts. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis each 1 part. 

b. Itching (pruritis)
Wash 100 g ajeran leaf, boiled in 4 cups of water until the remaining 1.5 cup, then made into 2 equal parts. Drink 2 times a day, each 1 part. 

c. Infection with hepatitis (acute hepatitis invection)
Boil 120 g of leaves ajeran with 4 glasses of water until the remaining 1.5 cups and divide into 2 equal parts. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis each 1 part.

d. Diarrhea (gastroenteritis)
Rinse and 15-120 g of leaf ajeran then boiled in 4 glasses of water until the remaining 1.5 glasses. Cool, strain, and make into 2 equal parts. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis each 1 part. 

e. Arthritic joints
Rinse and 100 g of leaf ajeran then boiled in 4 glasses of water until the remaining 1.5 glasses. Make into 2 equal parts and then drink 2 times a day on a regular basis each 1 part. 

f. Inflammation of the lining of the brain (encephalitis epidemica)
Rinse and 15-30 g and 30-90 g ajeran leaves yellow root (Murraya paniculata). Boil these ingredients with 4 glasses of water until the remaining 1.5 glasses. The results of this stew is used for 2 times drinks. However, for severe disease, drank 1.5 glasses at once with a frequency of 2 times a day. 

g. Appendicitis (acute apendixitis)
Rinse leaves 15-120 g and 30-60 g ajeran garlic (allium sativum).Boil these ingredients with 4 glasses water remaining 1.5 glasses. Make into 2 parts and then drink 2 times a day, each 1 part 

h. Toothache

Rinse the leaves to taste and chew ajeran to take water as directed on the teeth that hurt. If the water leaves ajeran no longer obtained, discard the chewed leaves. 

i. Hemorrhoids (haemor hoids).
In addition to treatment through medication outside, hemorrhoids can also be treated with ajeran through the use of. Way, 15-120 g of boiled leaves ajeran with 4 glasses of water until the remaining 1.5 glasses, then divide into 2 equal parts. Drink 2 times a day on a regular basis each 1 part.

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