
Friday, May 6, 2011



Will the Earth Indonesia Rich variety of Plants The Efficacious for the Cure of Various Diseases


Therefore, the types of medicinal plants and their use should be preserved by future generations. This is due to the knowledge of how to cure the disease by the ancient ancestors actually very bermamfaat and safe for health. 
      Indonesia's tropical climate, fertile soil menyebabbkan so many types of plants that can grow. Among the many types of plant species has efficacy as a drug. However, the majority of medicinal plants is not known by humans so it is not treated properly. This causes people increasingly do not recognize the types of herbs and medicinal plants finally impressed as a wild plant whose presence is often considered menggnggu beauty or interfere with any other plant life. 
     In general, the use of medicinal plants is actually caused by the chemical content owned. However, not all chemical constituents known to be complete because the examination of one plant is expensive. Although not known in detail, but the pharmacological approach to successfully produce medicinal plant-use information. 
     In the use of medicinal plants need sufficient knowledge.Although safe to use, several kinds of herbs have side effects such as chemical drugs, so in pemakaiyangnnya should carefully. For example, Ephedra Sinica (Ephedraceae), in China known as Ma huang, is made with the for-relief asthma medication and heat. If the dose is wrong, this plant will cause poisoning. Therefore, the use of medicinal plants should be with caution.
     Plants that contain hundreds or even thousands of chemicals, will interact in the body through various ways and circumstances.Under certain conditions, plant medicines may cause side effects.Therefore, the treatment is done with the appropriate amount and medicinal plants should not be consumed excessively. In addition, the plant must be clean and sterile before use. Therefore, fresh or dried herbs, should be washed first. Boiling herbs should be done over low heat.
     Here are a few kinds of herbs and how to use them for treatment following a variety of diseases. 

Fennel (Adas) 

1. Scientific Name  : Foeniculum vulgare Mill.

2. Local name          : Fennel sweet (Minangkabau), fennel (Java), das spicy    (acah), adhas (Madura), hades (Sunda), adase (Bugis), Rempuse (Makassar), Popaas (Manado), Denggu-denggu (gorontalo ), Fennel (Bali), Walawungu (Sumbawa), Kumpasi (Sangir Talaud). 

3. Foreign Name     : Fennel (Britain), Hsiao hui (China).

B. CONTENT AND CHEMICAL pharmacological effect

          The fruit has a sweet, pungent, aromatic smell, and is warm.Some of the chemicals contained in fennel essential oils including o 0.3 to 6%, 50-60% anethol. Fanchom, metal chavicol, and anise ketone. In addition, fennel also contains chemical compounds, such as kamfena, limonene, 1.8 cineol, arginine, B-sitosterol, dianethole, routine, and stigmasterol.
          Pharmacological effects of fennel owned by them adds endurance, cold medicine, anti-kholinesterase, overcome premature ejaculation, erection stimulating, anesthetic, stimulates sweat, reinforcing the liver, and nerve stimulator pyusat, prevent sterility, strengthen the vitality of sperm, trigger spending androgen hormones and increasing the spirit, danvitalitas. Fennel also plays a role in inhibiting the enzyme aldose-reductase spending, fosfodiestrase, and lipoksiginase. In addition, fennel can slow aging, stimulates ovulation, and protects the liver from all disturbances and toxic (antihepatotoksik). Stigmasterol on the fruit of fennel can be used as raw materials for steroid hormones or drugs KB. Fennel is also often used as a complement or fragrances, a sense of drug (corrigens) and a natural preservative of food with no side effects.


          Propagation is by seed and fennel. Fennel treated with enough water watered, fertilized with organic fertilizer, and do pest control and disease. 

D. PLANT PART USED and properties

       The roots, leaves and fruit of fennel can be used for the treatment of diseases and the material properties so that the drug mixture is more complete, Fennel can be used to treat some diseases as follows.

1. Gallstone 

        Wash 5 g of dried fennel fruit, brewed with 1 cup water, then chill. Drink 1 cup a day at a time. 

2. Prevent and cure impotence 

        Mix fennel 10 g, 25 g pulosari, 10 g garlic, 25 g of pepper, and 25 g of turmeric into one. Mash the ingredients finely and add enough hot water to form a solution. Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey, 2 egg yolks kampong chicken, and stir until blended.Drinking a solution of 2-3 hours after dinner and do the 1 time a day for 1 month. 

3. Prevent against tumors and cancer.

        Rinse fennel fruit 5 g, 100 g of root reeds, and 1-2 the stem parasite (lorantus sp). Boil all ingredients with 2 glasses until remaining 1 cup and let cool. Strain the boiled water and drink 2 times a day each ½ cup.


        Rinse fennel fruit 15 g and 15 g of cinnamon bark that has been finely ground. Boil all ingredients with 4 glass of water. Enter into it 10 g turmeric that has been thinly sliced
​​until, after remaining 2 glasses, let cool, then drink 2 times a day, each 2 glass. Repeat the treatment regularly for 7 days. 

Rahasia terpendam (Buried Secret)

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